فارسی عربي

‘Appendix’ to go on screen at Canada Filmfest

‘Appendix’ is to go on screen at Canada Filmfest.

‘Appendix’ , directed by Hossein Namazi, has been scheduled to go on screen at the 41st edition of the Montreal World Film Festival in Canada.

In its first international appearance the movie is to be screened in the competition section of the 41st edition of the Montreal World Film Festival in Canada.

‘Appendix’ depicts a social theme which narrates daily social events. The story occurs in a hospital; the particular location reminiscent of anxiety and stress, narrating problems in the society.  

The movie's cast includes Anahita Nemati, Amir Ali Danaei, Reza Akbarpour, Pardis Manouchehri, Marjan Momeni, Mohammad Ali Kiani.

The Montreal World Film Festival founded in 1977, is one of Canada's oldest international film festivals.The 41st edition of the event is scheduled to be held August 24-Septamber 4, 2017 in Montreal, Quebec.

